Sunday, September 11, 2005

Federal Election... Japanese style

So today was the infamous Japanese federal elections. Coincentally its held on the same day as the 9/11 anniversary. Well, for those of you who don't already know, this election was called because the lower house in the Japanese legislature rejected Prime Minister Junchiro Koizumi's proposal to privatize the postal system here in Japan. Since he had a majority government, some members of his own party had to rebel and dissent and vote against it in order for it to have failed. Koizumi said screw all of you and called an election. He and his Liberal-Democratic party (the right of center party here in Japan) coalition with a few other parties ended up winning an even larger majority taking almost 3/4 of the lower house eating away at some seats of the main opposition party the Social Democratic party (the left of center party). So he basically can do whatever he wants now. This election victory gave Koizumi sweet revengean and an excuse to tell his dissenters and opposition "I told you so.. dont mess with me". HAHAHAHA.

And the political junky that I am, I stayed up almost all night watching the election coverage. It was quite exciting.

Liberal-Democratic Party campaign poster featuring Prime Minister Junchiro Koizumi

Election coverage early on in the night with the two major party leaders on LCD screens. you can see the Liberal Democrats are already kicking ass.
Social Democratic Party Leader, Shakai Minshuto (the main opposition leader)
Some third party leader who was in a coalition with Koizumis LDP
Koizumi marking down at party headquarters the winner of a certain riding


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