Surfer Boy!
Before I start to write about my awesome weekend, I would like to dispell this rumour that MAYBE going in Canada. NO Ana and I ARE NOT a couple... I stress the NOT
Anyways. This past weekend was more relaxing compared to the other ones. On Friday I went downtown to exempt myself from the Japan Pension Plan, then I went around town looking for travel agencies that may offer English tours for foreigners within Japan. I didn't realize how much my Japanese has improved until that day when I had speak to Japanese travel agents that knew absolutely no English.
Saturday and Sunday were my relaxing days. I stayed at home, did laundry, cleaned the toilet, did some grocery shopping and went to school to do some work. It was a day to get "home" stuff done.
Now yesterday, Monday, was super duper awesome. One of the students that I teach named Tsukasa, was part of the Tottori University Surfing Club. I had expressed interest in it a few weeks ago and he offered to take Ana and I to the beach and surf it up. I miss the water sooooo much and boy do I need exercise. So at around 9:30 in the morning we headed over to one of the many beaches along the Sea of Japan. We were quite saddened as there were NO WAVES.. the weather was a little too good... hehehehe... Well then we headed over to another beach a few more kilometeres away and WE FOUND WAVES!!!! So we parked, stripped, and put on wetsuits to keep ourselves warm while we're in the water.. As I walked downt he beach with my wetsuit and a surfboard in my hand, I felt like I was on some sort of television show.

Us getting ready to surf on the Sea of Japan
It was quite funny... lol... It was such an experience. The waves were amazing. Even though it was salt water, I LOVED IT... Sadly, it was only our first time and we werent able to stand on the boards. Practice makes perfect :-)... So we practiced the motion and procedure to stand on the board... first you have to get on your front and paddle out to sea, then when a wave comes you have to, in one motion, push yourself up and balance yourself... its crazy hard... the funny thing was Ana's legs are really really long so it was hard for her to even do the motion on land... So we then got back into the water and tried it. ALMOST... we almost got it... It's much easier to try to get on the board while you're riding a wave. I'll definetely go surfing again here in Japan. Vancouver is starting to sound like an awesome place to live back in Canada heehehe. and it was defintely the right choice to quit Kendo... I actually got to do something this time around with the surfing club.

Ana and I all wet after surfing


Myself, Tsukasa (one of my English students and surfing club member), and Ana
Anyways. This past weekend was more relaxing compared to the other ones. On Friday I went downtown to exempt myself from the Japan Pension Plan, then I went around town looking for travel agencies that may offer English tours for foreigners within Japan. I didn't realize how much my Japanese has improved until that day when I had speak to Japanese travel agents that knew absolutely no English.
Saturday and Sunday were my relaxing days. I stayed at home, did laundry, cleaned the toilet, did some grocery shopping and went to school to do some work. It was a day to get "home" stuff done.
Now yesterday, Monday, was super duper awesome. One of the students that I teach named Tsukasa, was part of the Tottori University Surfing Club. I had expressed interest in it a few weeks ago and he offered to take Ana and I to the beach and surf it up. I miss the water sooooo much and boy do I need exercise. So at around 9:30 in the morning we headed over to one of the many beaches along the Sea of Japan. We were quite saddened as there were NO WAVES.. the weather was a little too good... hehehehe... Well then we headed over to another beach a few more kilometeres away and WE FOUND WAVES!!!! So we parked, stripped, and put on wetsuits to keep ourselves warm while we're in the water.. As I walked downt he beach with my wetsuit and a surfboard in my hand, I felt like I was on some sort of television show.

Us getting ready to surf on the Sea of Japan
It was quite funny... lol... It was such an experience. The waves were amazing. Even though it was salt water, I LOVED IT... Sadly, it was only our first time and we werent able to stand on the boards. Practice makes perfect :-)... So we practiced the motion and procedure to stand on the board... first you have to get on your front and paddle out to sea, then when a wave comes you have to, in one motion, push yourself up and balance yourself... its crazy hard... the funny thing was Ana's legs are really really long so it was hard for her to even do the motion on land... So we then got back into the water and tried it. ALMOST... we almost got it... It's much easier to try to get on the board while you're riding a wave. I'll definetely go surfing again here in Japan. Vancouver is starting to sound like an awesome place to live back in Canada heehehe. and it was defintely the right choice to quit Kendo... I actually got to do something this time around with the surfing club.

Ana and I all wet after surfing


Myself, Tsukasa (one of my English students and surfing club member), and Ana
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