Global Festival Japan 2005
A bunch of Tottori University students along with Professor Kip Cates, the professor who helped organized the Hunger Banquet, came down to Tokyo today to attend the "Global Festival Japan 2005". And knowing that I was in Tokyo, he invited me to join them. Professor Cates introduced me to a Tottori student named Tetsuda so we ended up hanging out with each other throughout the conference.
The Global Festival is basically an International Development related conference/festival with a huge set up located in Hibiya Park. EVERY Japanese NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations) and developing nations with embassies in Japan had booths set up. And the food was amazing. Developing nations from all over the world had different food stands set up as well. Mondo yummy. Considering my deep interest and passion toward international development this was right up my alley. I got the opportunity to gather tons of literature from many different NGO's. The festival also had this stamp collecting thing where we had to go these specified booths and do some activity or answer some quiz questions. We had to get 13 stamps in order to get a prize at the front gate. I received this really nice Fair Trade necklace and this really awesome African painting.

Bangladesh embassy booth doing an activity about water sanitation
Me trying on a pregnant suit in a booth that talks about the health and wellness of pregnant women in developing nations
I was browsing a gallery filled with photographs. This jumped out at me. This little African girl wearing a white band made out of cloth to display her hope that the world would be free of poverty some day. The White Band Project is a global campaign for "Make Poverty History"
Me with my White Band
This conference definitely rejuvenated my passion toward international development. I have so much career paths I can take after graduation so I'm kinda lost in terms of what to do. But it will definitely be something related to do international/human development.
The Global Festival is basically an International Development related conference/festival with a huge set up located in Hibiya Park. EVERY Japanese NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations) and developing nations with embassies in Japan had booths set up. And the food was amazing. Developing nations from all over the world had different food stands set up as well. Mondo yummy. Considering my deep interest and passion toward international development this was right up my alley. I got the opportunity to gather tons of literature from many different NGO's. The festival also had this stamp collecting thing where we had to go these specified booths and do some activity or answer some quiz questions. We had to get 13 stamps in order to get a prize at the front gate. I received this really nice Fair Trade necklace and this really awesome African painting.

This conference definitely rejuvenated my passion toward international development. I have so much career paths I can take after graduation so I'm kinda lost in terms of what to do. But it will definitely be something related to do international/human development.
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