Friday, November 04, 2005

Imperial Palace

Since I'm living in the capital city, I vowed to make a trip to the Imperial Palace here in Tokyo. The Imperial Palace is the official residence of the Emperor, the Empress, and the rest of the Japanese royal family. The tours were only offered during weekdays, so I had to take a morning off work.

The tour was okay interseting. The architecture was nothing really special compared to other stuff Ive seen elsewhere in Japan. But I guess the whole purpose of this is just to say that I've been to the Imperial Palace. And I got to see the famous stretch of windows that the royal family usually greets the public from.

Sakashita-mon GateThe former Privy CouncilFujimi-yagura (watch tower)Kunaicho Chosha (head office of the Imperial Household)Kyuden Totei Plaza

Me lookin like a secret service agent
The window which from the royal family greets the public (like in the photo, which I didnt take, below)
One of the royal gardens behind the building
A sea of dried lotus flowers in the castle moat, which usually would be in full blossom during the summer


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